Tuesday, October 6, 2009

NY Ghost: How to Bake A Brownie

Yet another NY Ghost phone kiosk install is put up on the streets of NY, this time providing much needed information on how to bake a brownie. Wonder if it was intentional that this piece followed the one on how to smoke marijuana.

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

NY Ghost Hits The Street Again

New York Ghost has uped his game, taking stride with his newest street ad takeover. I love this piece. Kill it NY Ghost, you own the streets.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Night On The Town With NY Ghost

I met up with NY Ghost for the first time last Saturday. We walked around putting up posters for about 3 hours before we went our separate ways. These days I don't normally have a partner so it was nice for both of us to have a lookout and company. Our conversation mostly circled outdoor advertising and the city as a whole. It was wonderful to entertain a relationship built on a shared public experience. I highly suggest it.

This image is from a series I am starting called "National Bestseller". I use the every page from a popular title to make a single sheet that fills a phonebooth advertisement. Because the materials are so cheap, this project is about numbers. For every page you see that has red in it, there are 9 others out there that were put up without the red addition. Go out and get learned people!

This image was produced by NY Ghost and was placed at 14th street and 1st avenue on the NWC. It was a brazen spot considering there were police officers directly across the street but nonetheless proved accessible. This is the first image of NY Ghost's that really cathces my eye and I hope he keeps up the good work.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New NY Ghost Phonebooth Takeover

This image was installed at 12th street and Avenue A on the North East corner. In case you don't know, NY Ghost contacted us regarding the instructional video on breaking into phonebooths and has been hitting the street since. Every time he hits the street he sends an image of his doings. We are meeting up tomorrow for some good old fashioned fun and to get to know yet another person in this incredibly large and wonderfully small city we live in.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

NY Ghost-11th & 3rd Avenue NWC

The instructional video available on how to re-appropriate phone kiosks is pretty simple to follow. What doesn't come as easy is the will, and social deviance required to follow through with the act. But trust me it's a blast, and if done right, is a relatively risk free way to put your put your own ideas into a space over run with other peoples. The recently coined NY Ghost went out and did his first takeover May 28th. He has returned to 11th & 3rd avenue (NWC).

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Instructional Video First Responder

A while back someone had some questions regarding the phone kiosk instructional video. There is nothing that makes me happier than being able to facilitate someone's direct interaction with their public space. This is all the more exciting when that individual decides to do that interacting over public advertising. I think this is the first example of someone who put the instructional video to good use. Enjoy, I know I am. Now get that cheese.....

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