Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Can't Even Fathom This

VIA Animal New York

Ad Creep Update is a regular feature on ANIMAL documenting the spreading epidemic of advertising media placement into every nook and cranny of your daily life. Does the thought of staring down a 100 meter ski jump make you want to shit your pants? (Vinko Bogataj would probably evacuate before he got his ski pants down upon entering this stall.) Georgia Max canned coffee, a popular Coca-Cola brand in Japan, transformed bathroom stalls at some local ski resorts like so to promote the beverage. The translated branding on the toilet paper dispenser supposedly reads: "Seriously kick-ass intensely sweet for the real coffee super zinging unstoppable Max! Taste-explosion!" Okey-dokey. Drink Georgia Max, ski faster, gotcha. Also, being that it's a sweetened coffee drink, it probably helps your turd toboggans set indoor speed records, too. Image: coloribus

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Nike Park Tokyo Controversy

This is just another flagrant example of corporate desires trumping the needs of the residents of our great metropolises. It is one thing to allow our private/public institutions, like sports stadiums, to be renamed and thus branded by corporate iconography. Its another thing to imagine the last vestiges of our public environment being coded by corporate identity and therefore made to conform to the usage that private institutions will require once their name is attached to such a space.

via Hypebeast by Eugene Kan on 9/18/08

In a move considered controversial by many, Nike Japan recently purchased the naming rights to a central park in Tokyo within the Shibuya business district. Originally named Miyashita Park, the run-down space was largely reserved for a small population of 34 homeless people. However with the transfer of rights to Nike to create Nike Park, the homeless people will be required to find a new space. Among Nike’s plans are to create a skate park with cafe which will require an entrance fee. Although allowing companies to buy the rights to certain landmarks is not uncommon in Japan, the eviction of a homeless community has raised questions regarding the power of the dollar and resulted in the “Keep it Miyashita” campaign. In addition commentary from local skater Daniel Pulvermacher over at his blog YWS outlines the pros/cons of this move by Nike.

Source: YWS, The Observers, Global Voices

See more at Nike Park Tokyo Controversy

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