Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Inwindow Map Begins

InWindow street level storefront billboards are popping up everywhere. I have made a few posts over the past few months, the most recent involving Steve Lambert's letter to the NY Times after they fail to have anything important to say about the burgeoning illegal business. Just yesterday I found this new addition on 14th street between 8th and 9th avenues. As per usual there is no permit on the DOB website and it is starting to irritate my sensitive demeanor. I decided to start cataloging them in a simple Google Map. If you see ads like these in the windows of your recently closed local shops, chances are they are InWindow's doing. Please take a picture, record the address and send them my way. I will add them to the map and hopefully in a short time we will have a better idea of how fast these locations are proliferating.

This map will also be readily available on the right hand sidebar, along with several other maps which have also been made available.

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Friday, April 10, 2009

Next Generation Google Maps Has All the Billboards Included

The next generation of Google Maps has an intricacy most of us would find unfathomable. Along with that level of detail comes all the outdoor advertising your little hearts could desire. Take a look at the corner of Lafayette and Houston street and compare it with the google map street view image below. They even have the advertising location Ji Lee made his amazing New Museum campaign on. WOW

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

So Where Are Those Sign Districts People Are Talking About? Look Here

I have found Google Maps to be an amazing tool for a number of things. The ability to create your own map is one of the best features, and Ban Billboard Blight has put that feature to good use, visualizing for the public the proposed LA sign districts.

The 20 areas of the city eligible for sign districts were included in an attachment to the city planning department’s report on the new sign ordinance approved by

the L.A. City Planning Commission March 26. Unfortunately, all but a few of the major streets were unlabeled, so residents of the area had a hard time telling how they might be affected. So we’ve created a Google map showing all the streets in the areas eligible for sign districts. Just click on the names and zoom in as close as necessary. [For anyone unfamiliar with Google maps, they can be viewed as street maps, or satellite images with street names. Just click above the map on "maps" or "satellite--show labels."]

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